Lexon can help you with overlabelling of original packs and assembly of specific quantity packs and multi-product packs. We’re working with a number of trusts successfully providing this service from our NHS-audited facility on-site at Redditch. We can supply across the UK.
Why use Lexon? We can offer the following:
We can quote you on the provision of multi-product packs. A couple of examples of the packs we are currently assembling for customers:
MRSA packs – containing a wash lotion, nasal ointment and dusting powder, leaflets to customer specification in a labelled resealable bag ready to dispense
TTO Suspension packs – the required suspension, an oral syringe and leaflet to customer specification in a labelled resealable bag ready to dispense
If you have a requirement for overlabelling or assembly, please contact our Hospital Business Manager